We have posted a complete set of our VoIP security testing tools on our SecureLogix website. The set includes all of the tools we released as part of our Hacking Exposed: VoIP, as well as some new tools that I described in a previous post. Probably the most interesting tool is the Call Monitor, which provides a GUI simplifying use of our teardown and rtpinsertsound/rtpmixsound tools. The Call Monitor tool makes it possible to really time and inject sounds/words/phrases into a conversation. Please check it out and let me know what you think. Maybe this tool will help justify using encryption in your networks :)
All of the tools have good internal documentation, that describes how to use them. I will provide some additional info here in the coming weeks.
Here is the link to the tools. Unfortunately, you have to register to get the tools, but trust me, they are worth it. If you have questions, ping me at [email protected].